Anaphylaxis vis a vis operation theatre trauma: role of forensic investigation in alleged medical negligence

By - Yadav M

A primigravida mother (patient) consulted Gynaecologist (Op-2) on 13-04-2010. She was informed that the baby is large and may need caesarean section delivery.
The patient communicated her L-5 congenital defect and allergy to sulpha drugs. The patient’s surgery was scheduled three days later. On 16-04-2010, at 9.15 am, the patient was
taken into Operation theatre (OT) and at around 10.15 am, severe ‘Anaphylactic shock’ from Sodium Pentothal (an anaesthetic agent administered by Op-3), the condition of
the patient became very critical, and the doctors tried their level best to revive her and shifted to ICU. The patient was taken to the ICU at around 11 a.m.; around 11:50 a.m.,
she and her unborn child were declared dead. The cause of death mentioned in the intimation letter was


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