Practice of Antenatal Breast Expression in National Health Service in England

AUTHOR(s) : Pathak Sangeeta
DOI No. : 01.2017-73761698

Purpose: Antenatal breast expression (ABE) is widely used in National Health Services (NHS) in England without any evidence of its safety and efficacy. The purpose of this study was to investigate the extent of its use by professionals in NHS settings in England. Methods: An online questionnaire was sent to healthcare professionals involved in providing care to pregnant women in maternity units in England. Results: 56 maternity units in England with delivery rates varying from 1600 to 11,000 per annum responded to the survey including 75% response from the large hospitals. Most hospitals are offering ABE at 36-37 weeks with an aim to reduce hypoglycaemia and neonatal admissions to special care in diabetic antenatal women. Conclusion: Despite of no proven evidence of safety and efficacy, ABE is practiced in many trusts, which have huge cost and time

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