Efficacy of Mefenamic Acid and Tranexamic Acid in the Management of Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding

AUTHOR(s) : Damadari Bai M1, Purna ChandrakalaM2
DOI No. : 01.2017-39548212

Introduction: Dysfunctional uterine bleeding is one of the most commonly expressed complaints of women at reproductive age leads to anemia and its complications. This study compares the efficacy and acceptability of tranexamic acid with mefenamic acid in treating DUB in order to show the most effective drug. Materials and methods: During 2010-2011, 60 patients aged 15-49, with DUB who referred to Government maternity hospital, Hanmakonda, Warangal, were randomly divided into 2 thirty-patient groups. The first group received mefenamic acid and the other received tranexamic acid during the first three days of their period for 2 subsequent cycles; following that, their bleeding changes were evaluated. Results:Repeated measures anova analysis pointed out that while the decreasing pattern of bleeding for each drug was statistically significant (p value =0 /001), the difference between the decreasing pattern of bleeding resulted from the use of the two drugs was not significant (p=0/059). Both groups depicted the same level of satisfaction (p=0/079) and no serious complications were reported. Conclusion:The efficacy of mefenamic acid and teranexamic acid in treating menorrhagia was the same for both groups.

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