Primary Bone Lymphoma: A Retrospective Histopathological Study at Tertiary Care Hospital

AUTHOR(s) : Choudhury Manjula, Kakati Bipul, Sarma Ranjita
DOI No. : 01.2017-22175672

Background and aims: PBL is a rare condition and accounts for 5-7% of primary malignant bone tumors and 5% of extra nodal lymphomas. Because of the rarity of this tumor, we report our institute experience in this retrospective study. Method: We retrospectively analyzed the data for PBL in the department of Pathology Gauhati Medical College, Gauhati from August 2010 to July 2015. Biopsy specimens were received, stained with H and E stain and subsequently IHC was performed to confirm the diagnosis of Bone Lymphoma. Results: Total 10 cases were diagnosed as NHL. There was male preponderance and most of the patients were of elderly age group. On IHC, 9 cases were diagnosed as DLBCL while one case was diagnosed as ALCL. Conclusion: Although rare, most of the primary bone lymphoma are diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. A proper clinical history with radiological correlation is necessary to differentiate primary lymphoma from secondary involvement of extra skeletal lymphoma. Immunohistochemistry is important tool to differentiate NHL from other malignant tumors of bone.

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