Legal and ethical issues of research and publication

AUTHOR(s) : Mahanta Putul, Thakuria Das Kahua
DOI No. :

Introduction: Legal and ethical issues of research and publication form an important component of scientific writings, mainly related to the research participant, researcher and publication. Methods: Collecting anecdotes published in different newspapers and journal, this article seeks to briefly review the various international and national guidelines and regulations that exist on issues related to biomedical research and publication. Discussion: The issues of dignity, bodily integrity, autonomy and privacy, providing incentives of research participants and various forms of research misconduct and unethical practice in part of research activities are the burring issues discussed in present day scenario. Relevant international and national declaration and treaties form the literature that are relevant to the ethical and legal aspects of conducting research and publication that researchers should abide by when conducting biomedical research. Researchers should note the major international guidelines as well as the national regulations and legislation. Conclusion: Hence all proposals on biomedical research involving human participants should be cleared by an appropriately constituted local Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC).

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