Pattern of homicide in gurgaon region

AUTHOR(s) : Chauhan Harsh, Yadav Ruchika, Mathur Deepak
DOI No. :

Introduction: Homicide means killing of human being. It is very heinous crime done by a person against other human being. Aim: Aim of this study was to find out the most prominent method of homicide in Gurgaon region. Method: This study was a retrospective study done in the Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, SGT University, Gurgaon in association with Mortuary of Civil Hospital Gurgaon. Results: A total of 1196 autopsies were conducted at Mortuary, Civil hospital Gurgaon during the period from January 2016 to December 2016, out of which, 60(5%) cases were of alleged homicidal death. Majority of victims were in the age group of 31-40 years with Male:Female ratio; 4.1 were observed. 78.3% victims were male. 51.67% of total victims were resident of place outside Gurgaon with majority of male victims. Contusion was found in maximum cases followed by fracture 78.3% death were due to mechanical injuries followed by asphyxial death which is in 21.7%. Head injury was observed as a major cause of death in 36.7% cases.

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