Silicone finger prosthesis: bracing back the life

AUTHOR(s) : Trivedi Hina1 , Barman Jogeswar2
DOI No. : 10.31741/ijhrmlp.v4.i2.2018.27

Rehabilitation of amputed finger is of utmost importance and the first choice is microvascular reconstruction. But whenever surgical reconstruction in patients is not possible contraindicated, unavailable, unsuccessful or unaffordable, the prosthetic rehabilitation is considered. It relieves the individual from the social stigma, while simultaneously improving their physical capability. Aim: This clinical report describes a method to fabricate silicone prosthesis for a patient who has a partial finger loss caused due to trauma. Methods: Prosthetic rehabilitation was done using room temperature vulcanizing silicone prosthesis to restore a non-functional esthetic finger Results: Partial finger amputations can be successfully rehabilitated using silicone materials Conclusion: Silicone prosthesis is truly capable of restoring the life like appearance of the lost body part although the function cannot be restored.

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