A clinical study of neurological disorders in peripartum period

AUTHOR(s) : Borah Papori1, Khakhlari AR2, Das Marami3, Goswami Munindra4, Kayal Ashok5
DOI No. : 10.31741/ijhrmlp.v5.i1.2018.11


Identification and treatment of neurological disorders in women during the peripartum period presents a special challenge to the neurologist and other health providers since this state can precipitate a myriad of new neurologic and psychiatric symptoms. The lack of knowledge is due to the fact that research on pregnant woman is technically difficult, challenging & highly regulated due to ethical concerns. Objectives: This study was planned to study the clinical profile of various neurological disorders seen during the peripartum period. Materials and methods: This prospective observational study was carried out among 34,302 pregnant patients of age > 16 yrs presenting to our department (or OPD) of Neurology or Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (or OPD)between October 2011 to November 2013. Results: A total of 200 patients presented during pregnancy or puerperium with neurological disorders during the study period. 50.5% of the cases were diagnosed with eclampsia, followed by AIDP in 24.5% cases. Maximum number of patients presented with convulsion (67%), followed by altered sensorium (59.0%). Among 24 patients with stroke, the number of patients with non-hemorrhagic and hemorrhagic stroke was 16(66.66%) and 8(33.34%) respectively. Conclusion: We found multi axial involvement and broad range of neurological disorders in the peripartum period with ecclampsia and stroke topping the list. The incidence of AIDP was significantly high, the establishment of cause of which needs further studies.

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