Analysis of the risk factors for sexual violence on women and its neurobiological aspects

AUTHOR(s) : Dutta DK, Mahanta Putul
DOI No. : 10.31741/ijhrmlp.v5.i2.2019.21

Sexual violence in the form of heinous offences like rapes, molestation, forced prostitution, female genital mutilations, paraphilias etc. has lately become a curse to the humanity by being one of the frequent and significant public health issue to both developed and developing countries. Being an insult to the civility, it is one of the leading causes of the severe and irreparable damage to the physical and mental health of the victims. With the development of the society the cases of sexual violence are going on increasing which is a big stigma to the mankind. Rape cases in the country have reported an increase of 12.4% from 34,651 cases in 2015 to 38,947 in 2016, the report has revealed according to the report released by National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB). Whereas according to National Family Health Survey (NFHS) an estimation of 99.1% of the sexual offences against women go unreported and these statistics shows the gravity of this curse to the society. But sadly till date nothing has been fruitfully done to prevent these offences. Interestingly extensive literatures have described that there are many factors which determine the etiologic profile of sexual violence in the society. Here in this paper the different risk factors which increases the predisposition of sexual offences is described which can be helpful in formulating the prevention strategies against the cause.

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