Victimiologic study of female suicide

AUTHOR(s) : Patil Priyanka, Sangle JD
DOI No. : 10.31741/ijhrmlp.v6.i1.2020.20

Introduction: Rising graph of suicides specially among females in India is a matter of deep concern. Materials and methods: Two-year, prospective study conducted at a tertiary care centre in Mumbai. Results: Suicidal deaths (37.93%) belongs to the age group of 21 to 30 years. 68.97% females committing suicides are housewives,44.8% females are illiterate while 43.1% are of lower socio-economic class. 82.76% female victims are married and 41.67 % died within 1 year of her marriage. In 34 female victims (58.62 %), no previous attempt of suicide is seen, in 65.52% female victims, suicide note is not found and in 47 cases, females are menstruating (81.03%). Maximum females died due to asphyxia (46.55 %) followed by Burns injury. Conclusion: Financial dependency, illiteracy, familial disharmony and emotional turbulence during menstruation are the factors provocating young females to succumb to suicide. Promotion of education, economical independency and counselling are need of the hour.

Keywords: Menstruation; asphyxia; suicide note.

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