Comparison of the traditional lecture system with the modern presentation: as a preferred teaching technique for medical students

AUTHOR(s) : Rabha AK, Das Anandita
DOI No. : 10.31741/ijhrmlp.v7.i1.2021.12


Background and aims: The newer skills added today altering the methods of educating the health teaching. It has changed in the last few years from the old old-style technique of Chalkboard and talk (CNT) to a newer PowerPoint presentation (PPT) to the video classrooms converting the whole traditional environment of the classrooms. This paper aims to assess the perception of medical students about these two instructional methods. Materials and methods: In this study cross-sectional descriptive survey was used. Medical students were selected through non-probability convenient sampling. The data were collected using a questionnaire-based survey about their views and perception of two lecture delivery methods, viz., PPT presentation, and using a chalkboard. For each of the two methods, the students were asked to rank twelve comments on a four-point scale: strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree. The data was analyzed using SPSS version 16, and the results expressed as proportions. Results: In our study, more than 97% of our study respondents emphasized the value of chalk and talk and declared it a more effective and valuable teaching tool in their learning experience than PowerPoint (86%) and recommended it for teaching. Conclusion: Both CNT and PPT are effective methods for medical education, and both can be used to deliver classroom sessions effectively.

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