Topical granulated sugar for a prolapsed uncomplicated stoma

AUTHOR(s) : Sharma Mitrajit, Choudhury Devajit, Malakar Jaydeep
DOI No. : 10.31741/ijhrmlp.v7.i1.2021.16


Prolapse of stoma is a well-described complication after ileostomy or colostomy and is typically asymptomatic and easily reducible. Manual reduction is generally successful, but it may be unsuccessful in several cases with edematous prolapsed bowel. Unsuccessful reduction in elderly patients and hemodynamically unstable or patients with comorbidities may advocate the need for emergent laparotomy, which carries a high risk of morbidity. As such, we advocate using osmotic agents, specially granulated sugar, as an alternative method for conservative management of prolapsed stoma in the targeted population.

Keywords: Ileostomy; colostomy; complications; laparotomy; osmotic agent; desiccant.


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