Isolated neuropsychiatric manifestation in Wilson's disease

AUTHOR(s) : Das PK, Sharma S, Phukan JD, Patir RP
DOI No. : 10.31741/ijhrmlp.v8.i1.2022.12


One of the rare genetic disorders of copper metabolism in Wilson’s disease (WD) presents various clinical manifestations at the time of diagnosis. Usually, it involves the liver during the early course of the disease and later with neuropsychiatric involvement. Here, we present a case of a 21-year-old lactating woman who presented only neuropsychiatric manifestations with neither hepatic manifestations nor a family history of any neuropsychiatric illness. However, we have excluded the involvement of the liver following the standard protocol of the treatment. For diagnosis of the WD, a high degree of suspicion is required.

Keywords: Copper metabolism; neuropsychiatric; lactation, autosomal recessive.

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