Patterns of cut neck injury in a tertiary care centre

AUTHOR(s) : Sarma D, Borah S, Dey D, Sharma M, Mahanta P¬¬¬¬
DOI No. : 10.31741/ijhrmlp.v8.i2.2022.4


Background and aims: Cut-neck injury (CNI) is a frequent scenario in Ear-Nose-Throat (ENT) casualty services and needs emergency care to limit the deteriorating effects of such injuries. The present study was conducted to assess the extent of CNI, its manner, and management in a tertiary care centre in Northeastern India. Materials and methods: The prospective study was undertaken by the Departments of ENT and Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, including 50 cases attending the emergency services in ENT casualty with CNIs during the study period from July 2021 to August 2022. Informed consent was obtained from the patient before data collection, along with ethical clearance from the ethics committee. Data on patients, primarily the demographics, manner of injury, presenting complaints and treatment, were collected and analysed. Results: Majority (70%) of the participants belonged to the 20-40 age group and were male (80%). Psychiatric illness (40%) was the most common presenting symptom, while suicidal CNI (40%) was the present study's most typical manner of injury. The other manner of injuries was homicidal and accidental. Involvement of the thyrohyoid membrane (50%) was the mostly encountered extent of injury, followed by injuries to the strap muscles, skin and subcutaneous tissue. Conclusion: CNIs are grave injuries requiring timely management and failing to, which may lead to life-threatening complications. Individuals in the adult age group of 20-40 years and predominantly males were found to be most affected. Suicidal injuries were the most common injuries.

Keywords: Neck injury; tracheostomy; advanced trauma life support.

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