Epidemiological study of sexually transmitted infections in patients attending sexually transmitted infection clinics of a tertiary care hospital

AUTHOR(s) : Binita Teron, Debasish Phukan, Monjuri Kataki
DOI No. : 10.31741/ijhrmlp.v8.i2.2022.7


Background and aims: Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) is a significant public health problem worldwide, especially in developing countries. The study's objectives were to study the pattern of STI and reproductive Tract Infections (RTI) cases attending the STI clinic of a Tertiary Care Hospital and to study the epidemiologic correlates of these cases. Materials and methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted among patients attending the STI clinic of a tertiary care hospital in Assam for six months. A structured pretested questionnaire was designed to collect the background information; knowledge, opinion, and attitude on STI/RTI; condom usage, sexual behaviour, and utilization of health services. Informed written consent was taken from the study subjects. Results: Almost 47% of the study subjects were 26-35 years old, and 51.3% were males. Genital ulcer/sore (40.3%) among the males and genital/anal discharge (76.7%) in females were the commonest. Among those having past episodes of STI/RTI, 87.2% got counselling on STI and the use of a condom, and 51.3% counselling and treatment of their sex partners. The most frequent high-risk sexual activity was multiple sex partners. 75% of the respondents did not use a condom during their first sexual activity. Television (80.7%) and radio (80%) were critical education sources. Conclusion: Early sexual activity initiation was not noted in the study. Despite counselling services being used, condom use behaviour was poor. Multiple sex partners were the high-risk activity that was seen most frequently. The study subjects were not well-informed about the link between STIs and HIV/AIDS.

Keywords: Reproductive tract infections; multiple sex partners; genital/anal discharge.

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