Exploring the ageless wisdom of Assamese health practices within the framework of the Bhartiya knowledge system

AUTHOR(s) : Bhuyan H, Dutta R
DOI No. : 10.31741/ijhrmlp.v9.i2.2023.8


The intricate web of traditional Assamese health practices is examined in this study, focusing on the critical elements related to pregnancy and labour. Putting these customs in the larger context of the Bhartiya Knowledge System, the research seeks to reveal the profoundly timeless knowledge ingrained in Assamese cultural heritage. The study employs a descriptive methodology and relies extensively on oral history to capture the subtle insights transferred over centuries. Furthermore, by offering scientific explanations for certain Assamese health practices, the study closes the gap between tradition and modernity. By integrating conventional wisdom with cutting-edge medical research, the study offers insights into the potential efficacy of these old practices in contemporary healthcare. This research's multidisciplinary approach bridges the gaps between medical science, oral history, and cultural studies to provide a comprehensive knowledge of Assamese health practices.

Keywords: Assamese; Bhartiya; Pregnancy; Health; Traditions.

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